Friday, January 22, 2010

Exercise, Winter, and Misc.

I just got done working out on my Wii Fit, a Christmas present from my grandmother.  I really enjoy working out with it, but sometimes it's hard to get myself motivated after a long day of work.  I've always been a fan of going to the gym first thing in the morning, but that's not an option here since I'd wake Erik up if I used the Wii before work.  There's no good gym near us, so that's not really an option either.  Situations like this really make me miss the convenience of my car.  I miss the days when I could just hop in my car and make a quick drive to the gym in the mornings. 

The Wii Fit is great; it's versatile and at times it can even be a bit cheeky.  I like that about it, but it really does expect a lot out of it's users.  It's an awesome tool to have at your finger tips.  Still, I miss being able to go outside and hike up the mountains, or go swimming at the beach.  I can't wait for the weather to warm up again; I'm feeling cabin-feverish in this shoebox of an apartment. 

I wrote down some blogs to put on here during my trip to Japan over Christmas.  I'll try to upload them soon.  Also, I have some stuff written about when I first came to Korea, I'll try to type those up as well.  Right now is intensive month at our school, which means extra classes.  The English concert is also coming up, so we're preparing for that as well.

Mostly I'm just trying to stay warm.

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